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Infertility: How My Ava Bracelet Helped Me


Alright, lets get real for a second. Infertility sucks. It’s stressful, it’s emotionally exhausting, it’s frustrating on both you and your partner, and it consumes you. Month after month you do the thing you thought would work to get you pregnant… and month after month it doesn’t. You download apps people have “sworn by”, you eat weird foods after reading blogs that convince you it will get you pregnant, you “try and relax” (and let’s REALLY get real – anyone that ever tells you to relax has never struggled with infertility themselves). If you read my latest post (Choosing Joy: Our Struggle with Infertility) where I opened up about our infertility, you saw that I mentioned wearing an Ava Bracelet. This was one of the ONLY things that gave me medically based help in the midst of our struggle. I have received a lot of messages asking about this bracelet, so I wanted to go ahead and write a post about how it works and why it was a huge help for us!

What is an Ava Bracelet?

No.. it’s not just something that you’ve seen Bachelorette contestants post about. It really is a thing, and it really does work. Ava is a bracelet that you wear at night and it uses your skin temperature along with other parameters to detect your fertile window. It usually detects an average of five fertile days per cycle, including your ovulation day. You wear your bracelet at night, plug it in the next morning, and then the information from the night before is sent via bluetooth to your app on your phone. Within seconds you are given information on your skin temperature, resting pulse rate, breathing rate, HRV ratio, and the amount of sleep you got (including light sleep and REM sleep). One of the things I liked seeing the most was the amount of sleep I got the night before! Ava also predicts your menstrual cycle, which you verify, to help calculate your most fertile days. All in all, the bracelet gives you a ton of information that is really interesting about your body!

How my Ava Bracelet helped me

For the first couple months of trying I was using an app on my phone to predict my ovulation period, and took ovulation tests whenever my app told me that I was ovulating. However, I never got a positive ovulation test. After going to my doctor I learned that my ovulation period might be shorter than some. She said to try testing in both the morning and the night after my cycle until I finally got a positive test. After doing this for a couple more months, I did get some ovulation positive tests. However, there were still some months that I didn’t. This is the point that, after seeing some celebrities post about their Ava Bracelet, I decided to invest in one. I figured that I was spending so much money on ovulation tests that it was worth the expense. Getting used to sleeping with my bracelet was a little weird at first, but quickly became something I didn’t notice at all. The BEST thing about this bracelet was that it gave me accurate information of when I was ovulating. To double check, I would take ovulation tests when my bracelet told me that I was ovulating, and every single test confirmed that my bracelet was correct. I think one of the hardest things about trying to conceive is figuring out if you’re TTC at the right time of the month. My Ava Bracelet confirmed to me that we were trying on the right days… and that was a huge relief to me!

Although I was not able to get pregnant after receiving this information, it DID show us that we WERE trying to conceive at the right time, and to seek help in that there most likely had to be another issue going on (which there was). When going to a fertility specialist, they will most likely ask you all kinds of questions.. including how long you’ve been trying, if you’ve done ovulation tests, etc. Using my app, I had a ton of accurate information to show.

Where can you get one?

You can order an Ava bracelet >> HERE <<
I love my bracelet so much (and still wear it to get nightly info) that I was able to get a promo code for you to get $20 off. Use code “GATHER” during checkout!

I would love to answer any other questions you might have, and truly would recommend this to anyone that is about to start trying to conceive or is in the middle of struggling to conceive and wanting more information.


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1 comment on “Infertility: How My Ava Bracelet Helped Me”

  1. It is so clear – it is so darn tedious. But follow God’s spirit. It will, along with your attending MD, guide you and give you patience. Love love love from Omi

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